Centre for ADHD & Autism Support
Centre for ADHD & Autism Support

Centre for ADHD & Autism Support
Television House
269 Field End Road

Tel.: 020 8429 1552.
(New address and 'phone number as of March 2015)

Centre for ADHD & Autism Support (formally ADHD & Autism Support Harrow) was formed by a merger between the long established ADHD Support Harrow and Harrow Autism Support groups and supports adults with ADHD and Autism. They also support families where a family member suffers from one of these pervasive conditions.

They run:

Coffee Mornings,
A Lending Library,
A Babysitting Service,
Evening Support Meetings,
Holiday Playschemes,
A Drop in Surgery and
One to One Support.

Their Drop in Surgery provides a service for regular parents/carers who have already established themselves within the support group, yet get limited time to talk over issues that is relevant for them.

The one to one work is offered if parents/carers need support after the parenting courses have finished or new problems within the family have arisen.

Supporting Adults with ADHD.
Some adults have a diagnosis and some suspect they may be suffering with it. This group is a safe place to share and explore experiences, socialise and look at ways of helping to cope with the condition together.

Where a member of the family suffers from ADHD or Autism relaxation and a good night's sleep and work wonders for all concerned.

Charity Commission
Click to visit the Charity's page on the Charity Commission website. (Registered Charity No.: 1080795)

How Frustrated Communication found the Centre for ADHD & Autism Support -

We found this ADHD Support Group when we asked Kids Can Achieve if there were any local groups, which helped adults with the same problems. Often support disappears when a sufferer leaves school even though their difficulties and challenges stay with them.

Many parents with children who suffer from ADHD find they, themselves, also suffer. When they explore the symptoms and find ways to help their child they recognise some of the problems they have suffered over the years.

How Frustrated Communication has helped:

In March 2010 we provided funds to enable ADHD Support Harrow to print introduction packs for new members of their group - providing information on diagnosis, where and how to get help and the support provided by this group. Our funds also supported a family Saturday Club and some massage training to help members of the family help each other to relax and calm down in each other's company.

In March 2011 we provided funds for a "sleep workshop" where both members of the ADHD & Autism Support team and their clients could learn techniques to help all family members get a welcome if not miraculous good night's sleep.